In 2020, SEO content will be all about the audience.

Years ago, we used to think that “SEO content” was a game of using X Keywords X times and writing long articles to get the rankings.
Unfortunately, it’s not the same anymore, Google’s algorithm has matured, and getting our content ranked is no longer a matter of tricking Google by filling our pages with keywords in all the magical places but by offering our searchers a new exceptional experience

What is SEO Content?

SEO content is a highly focused content that drives traffic and leads to your website. It includes everything that has to do with the writing and structuring of content on your website. However, a lot of marketers abandoned using this term as it suggests that content is created for search engines, not humans.

But why write for search engines when answering humans?

That’s because Google’s algorithm is a programmatic choice model, that picks the best answers for a query and ranks them as results for the searcher. Yet not any content could pop up easily as the first result in search engines, the best rankings require more…

So how can I create an advantageous SEO Content?

An advantageous content is a content that provides the reader with a direct, clear and comprehensive response, which means that the content of your pages will be chosen by your readers, therefore not all what you write is pertinent for the search audience. Some content is produced for leadership or breaking News. Other contents aim to attract social engagement.
As a consequence, instead of trying to stuff your website pages with irrelevant keywords to your search audience, concentrate on adding search audience-focused topics to your editorial calendar.

Comprehensive clear content

While browsing in search engines, we look for a short, concise and straightforward response, that’s what your search audience is looking for too. Nobody likes complex, heavy and vague content. And that’s how Google ranks search content.
Admittedly, most of the SEO professionals would prefer talking about topics like natural language processing rather than concentrating on Grammar and diction, but even the most accurate content wouldn’t drive the desired customer action without structure, correct grammar and spelling.
You could highly benefit from tools like Microsoft Word’s “Grammar & Refinements” to help you build your content, use short and concise sentences, go from active to passive voice and use different styles.
Google also values comprehensive content, a high-Quality article is an article that provides the searcher with a complete or comprehensive description of the topic and answers the intent of the searcher’s question.
But if the focus is on creating unique, high quality and relevant content to get Leads, how should we be using Keywords?

Keywords and content: the ultimate SEO team

Improving your online visibility doesn’t only rest on writing valuable content or stuffing it with keywords, the ultimate formula here is creating content that’s focused around targeted keywords and phrases that your leads are looking for online, but how could you do that?

Keywords: Input and Output

We have to keep in mind that the keywords are the input on search engines, and the content that’s been written for search, to provide answers is the output. Therefore, our SEO content strategy shouldn’t be based on optimizing for “X” words “X” times on “X” pages, the content will feel forced and disingenuous.
Getting organic search traffic starts with asking ourselves before creating the content “how can I answer the question of this searcher with the information he is probably looking for”

A Shift from ‘Keywords’ to ‘Queries’

Another secret that our agency finds quite helpful while producing content is thinking about keywords as searches, which makes our writers’ task more pleasant. Changing your mindset from thinking about producing content as a headache trigger that consists of filling every corner of the website with keywords or an exam copy to fill to thinking about them as something we need to answer.
Acquiring this mindset would help you avoid:

  •  Neglecting long-tail Keywords
  •  Concentrating on a single word, while keywords could be anything someone types or speak into a search bar, it could be 2 words, a sentence or 20 words.
  •  Abandoning other questions or searches that can drive important leads to your website

Keeping Your Goal & Your Medium in Mind 

Understanding how your audience thinks and behaves is important in every digital marketing step, create depending on what your target audience would want. And remember that you’re addressing a human, so answer naturally.

We cannot oppose “writing for the search” to “writing for people”

The searcher is the goal. The search engine is the goal. Create accordingly